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Sacred Datura and a Galactic, Oracular Perspective on the Oppression of Women

I want to speak more to what I shared in my recent IG post about Sacred Datura

Specifically referring to Don Juan Matus & Carlos Castaneda's claims that Datura was indeed feminine due to her "“possessive, violent and unpredictable,” nature

These types of remarks to slander women are not unheard of

It is a common stereotype in our world that women “are crazy”

What Sacred Datura offers as a different perspective is this:

We as women have been oppressed, raped, abused and discriminated against for thousands of years

Due to what we have endured in this lifetime, as well as galactically and ancestrally, we are carrying massive amounts of trauma from simply existing within a female body

And lest we forget, our Mother Earth has also and continues to endure rape, disrespect and siphoning of her resources

Sacred Datura aims to share with humanity that the claims of her "violent, possessive and unpredictable" behavior is simply a trauma response, which more deeply is a means to try and survive

Statistically, 1 in 5 women are raped within their lifetime

As women, we face discrimination, lower pay than our male counterparts and an endless fear that we will be sexually harmed

We are often overlooked, scoffed at for our opinions, not taken seriously and talked down to

Sacred Datura doesn't just speak on behalf of women, but even more so to the men of this world who have often been the perpetrators of our trauma

She is sure to have us remember this;

Before the female could be physically raped, the minds of men were raped in order for them to not stand in their Divine Masculine and be the protectors they truly are at their core

When we can recognize not just on this planetary body, but galactically what women have endured, there is no questioning the behaviors that are still so deeply imbedded in our psyche that we long to liberate ourselves from

Sacred Datura carries the fragmented feminine aspects that some specifically came here to purify, reclaim and restore

She once again reminds us that the men were targeted first and therefore carry an inorganic consciousness program that is what truly facilitates harm to women and Mother Earth

She in no way justifies erratic or violent behavior, but holds an immense amount of empathy and compassion for us to really innerstand why these behaviors exist within us in the first place

She encourages us as individuals to dive into our own shadows and alchemize them into our greatest gifts


The trauma women carry stems from an initiatory event approximately 75,000 years ago during the Nephilim Wars, where the Annunaki began breeding with humans

And later approximately 25,000 years ago, during the Eieyani Massacre, when women were deceived by Thoth and the Annunaki, taken off planet to Nibiru where they were told their male counterparts were and were forcibly raped and interbred with in order to steal their DNA codes, only to find that their men had been murdered

Many women committed suicide upon realizing this, while others endured torture and sometimes killed their own children due to the cognitive dissonance, anger and pain of this terrifying event

All women to this day carry this trauma within their being in some way, and particularly through their reproductive system

Such a broad statement can be further explained by innerstanding that when we incarnate into physical form and onto this planetary body, we enter through the Earth’s morphogenetic field as women or men, which carries the energetics of that form

We inherit the Earth’s templates which carry miasma and memories from different seedings of the human species

This is essentially how we know what it means to “be a woman” or “be a man”

As a soul, we are imprinted with specific DNA coding, miasma and genetics and it is up to each of us individually to alchemize the miasmas our soul carries


Ultimately, the feelings we as women carry of "not being good enough", hating ourselves and sometimes even feeling resentment towards our children, are things we are here to alchemize

Perhaps by beginning to honor the Feminine in various aspects of our lives, our experiences with the feminine would shift greatly

Instead of experiencing the “dark feminine” nature, we will begin to witness the essence of the Holy Mother aspects like innocence, compassion, purity and creation

I know this is a lot to swallow, and most people turn their heads at trauma because it can be unbearable to witness, let alone within our(cell)ves

However, I see the messages that these plants offer us as a chance to gain higher awareness and an opportunity to truly remember our past and liberate our(cell)ves to become the Divine Women and Men we truly are at the core essence of our being


You can purchase Sacred Datura Flower Essence here:


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