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Red Bottlebrush Flower Essence - The Ancient Mother Wound & Healing the Inner Child


anxiety, tension, muscle tension, dysregulated nervous system, trouble letting go, big life change, chaos, overwhelm, wounded relationship with Mother (this can be with biological Mother, Mother Earth, the Holy Mother), loss of innocence



balance, stability, calming, nerve tonic, soothing, nurturing, cope with confidence, taking on change with ease, supports healing relationship with Mother (all aspects), inner child healing so one can reclaim the core essence of the Holy Mother (innocence, creation, compassion, purity)

Red Bottlebrush works specifically with the Mother wound


This is an ancient wound that travels through the bloodline and stems from our conditional and distorted relationship with our Mother


It can relate to the physical/biological, Earth and Holy Mother


Fragmentation of the living waters/plasma body or “unconscious” is the root of this wound

The plasma body carries our emotions and memories, and it is the inner child who guards the plasma body.

As a child develops in the womb of the Mother, it receives the instructional commands through the living waters which will ultimately create their human experience

Water holds memory and it will take on whatever command it is given

Due to the stunting of our human emotional intelligence, humans have not been able to command their living waters for many generations

This leads to repetitive behaviors and programs within the lineage

Whatever your parents told themselves is what you will inherently carry until you learn how to command your water element

You have the ability to change your waters through command

In commanding the waters (emotions) and tending to the inner child wounds and Mother wound, one can reclaim power over their physical manifestations or dis-ease

To learn to command the Elementals is to master one’s physical well-being

When water crystalizes from fragmentation and trauma, it opens a portal for other energies to work through a soul

This is how control programs are instilled, which will feed the initial trauma wound and keep someone stuck in their pain body

Red Bottlebrush uses its fine bristled brush to comb through the debris of our internal waters


The red color works with the root chakra clearing, as this ancient Mother wound is mainly held within the first and second chakras 

It has a playful and innocent expression, which calls on the essence of the original Divine child

This core energy is connected with the essence of the Holy Mother carrying compassion, purity and creation

Allow the essence of Red Bottlebrush to balance and stabilize in times of chaos and overwhelm

A wonderful nerve tonic for those who are looking to soothe and nourish the nervous system 

May you remember your innocence and purity as you return the organic living waters through journeying with this ally

Red Bottlebrush Flower Essence is from the Sardegna Collection in the Lugh Danu Apothecary

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