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Parasites can only exist within a closed energy system

We have existed within a reversed closed energy system on Earth’s planetary body for about 5,000 years

Parasites can essentially only exist within a bi-wave, polarized closed energy system

This is a system that cannot sustain itself because it cannot receive any energy from within or outside of itself, therefore parasites inevitably grow in quantity siphoning life force energy from humanity and the planetary body we call Earth

Many of the architectures of society are built on these closed systems and are not self-sustaining

Through the use of structures like vesica pisces, fibonacci spiral, flower of life etc., these systems have fragmented humanity’s organic architecture and consciousness and led to the degradation of our physical form over time (this is not humanity’s organic design template, more on that later)

Our organic nature is to function within a tri-wave energy system (return of the Mother Arc), where energy flows appropriately for us as eternal Divine Humans to self sustain and have an endless regenerative supply of life force energy (aka we would never die out of our physical bodies)

Now that we have accessed the tri-wave frequency, many things built on these inorganic closed systems will begin to deteriorate and eventually entropy

While working with the Parasite Cleanse Herbal Tea Blend, the plants began to share with me how they were not only clearing the parasites physically from my body, but they were working multidimensionally to eradicate parasites from my energetic field

This is the brilliance of Quantum Plant Alchemy!

The natural kingdoms are ecstatic to support humanity with evolving their consciousness and purifying their subtle bodies, as we move forward ushering in the Mother Arc

Not only are they supporting this purification of our energetic field, but they are guiding one to track and map the core wound that is attracting and allowing the symbiotic relationship to exist in the first place

If the core wounds are not addressed, then the parasites will find their way back to your field

In Quantum Regenesis Sessions, we address the core wounds held within and begin purifying these miasmas, ensuring to rebuild the organic architecture and reroute the energy flow properly

In my upcoming mentorship, I’ll be supporting a deep purification process and detoxification through quantum plant alchemy

Here is where the brilliance of plant intelligence and the intelligence of your Divine Eternal Self come together to weave new neural pathways and behavioral patterns

Here is where you begin to access your higher intelligence and consciousness functions

Here is where we resurrect your Divine Human Potential and organic architecture

Quantum Regenesis Sessions all come with a uniquely curated flower essence blend to support and further integrate the healing codes from your session

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