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Maidenhair Spleenwort Fern Essence - Blood Purification


independent thinker, clairempaths, those who feel strongly about injustices, frustration with others behavior, those who 'vent their spleens', resentment, judgement of others, antagonism, stagnant lymph, sluggish/fatigue



shift in perspective, ability to find solutions, drives creative force, softens feminine side, forgiveness, acceptance to situations with humor or lighter energy, less rigid, clears karmic blood miasmas, purifies blood, supports healing your relationship with the planetary earth body, allows for calibration of higher consciousness into the physical body

The planetary body and our physical bodies are undergoing many changes as higher consciousness begins to awaken within our DNA

The spleen functions as the blood filtration system and transforms what we consume into energy that protects and builds the blood

Our blood holds our entire consciousness record

We are inevitably shifting at a physical level as our consciousness expands and these records circulate within our physical being

When our planetary logos (earth's brain) were invaded long ago, many crucifixion implants were inserted to siphon life force from humanity

One of these implants is located within the spleen, underneath the left (feminine) ribcage

This has caused humanity to be consciously enslaved to a salvation model of a crucified diety, which ultimately allows the anti-life agenda to promote violent religions

Due to these crucifixion implants, we carry karmic blood miasmas within the human and planetary bodies that have manifested into genetic distortions

We have essentially been in an enslaved soul-recycling system, rooted in tainted blood and blood sacrifice 

Many still are unaware that the crucifixion story is about blood sacrifice, which continues the oppression of the Sophianic Feminine from reclaiming herself fully

Because of the imbalance with the earth element, many physical and emotional issues have manifested within humanity leaving many feeling extremely depleted, emotionally unhappy and drained

This also causes many to feel disconnected from the planetary earth body

Maidenhair Spleenwort reminds one of the intimate connection between humans, Mother Earth and the elements, for we are made up of Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether

Maidenhair Spleenwort supports healthy processing of energy to transform it into a vital force that strengthens one within

This essence offers an opportunity to deeply connect with your body, your emotional body and your femininity

It allows one to become a steward for restoring the Sophianic intelligence back to Earth

With ferns dating back over 300 million years ago, these plant allies offer insight into our world prior to the invasions and the Fall

Maidenhair Spleenwort transports one into the depths of themselves, offering an explorative approach to memories deeply embedded within

You may find yourself in the time of Lemuria or perhaps Atlantis, for these times carry much information about the truth of our evolution

Wherever this ally takes you, you can be sure it is to purify your vessel and to return you to  the original nature of your existence

Get ready to explore the depths of your emotional body, your consciousness & your true memories

Maidenhair Spleenwort is an incredible ally, as we begin to resurrect the truth of who we are as a species

Maidenhair Spleenwort is part of the Sardegna Collection in the Lugh Danu Apothecary

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