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Her Majesty, Sacred Datura; Energetic Musings & Revelations from this Potent Ally

Queen of the desert, Sacred Datura essence offers a deep, psychic cleanse. This essence helps us see beyond the present reality. It shows us the parts of our psyche we must let go of so we can open up space for new life. Because this can be a scary process, Sacred Datura offers a sense of security during this transition, whether it is leaving behind relationships, a job or thoughts/behaviors etc. Sacred Datura is extremely powerful during times of transition, shamanic journeys, dreamtime or meditation.

Sacred Datura offers us a moment to reflect on the parts of ourselves that have become distorted. The parts of ourselves we have neglected because we did not feel seen, loved, worthy, heard, accepted etc. When left unacknowledged, these exiled parts of our(cell)ves become opportunities for the negative ego to thrive. Sacred Datura holds space for one to go deeper and alchemize the shadow aspects, seeing beyond the veil.

She works with the water elementals, nurturing and nourishing the womb space. Her seed can go undisturbed for years and suddenly appear after a summer monsoon rain. Her planet, the moon. Therefore, we know she is the great alchemizer of humanities shadow body, projected from this controlled station, meant to enslave humanity for control of our planet by anti-life 

hyper-dimensional forces. 

Datura comes from the Hindu word, dhatura, which means thorn apple due to the seed pod being covered in thorns. They are pollinated by Hawk or Sphinx Moths, as well as butterflies and bees. The moths are immune to the toxin, although some botanists claim that the moths become intoxicated. They are seen nodding off and sleeping for hours in the blossom, while some are seen with erratic behavior, falling to the ground or losing direction.

Datura is an entheogen, meaning it offers one the ability to connect with the Divinity within them(cell)ves aka their God/Goddess Self/Higher Self

If used from a physical component standpoint without reverence or by knowing how to appease the plant spirit, it can cause severe hallucination, insanity, catatonic state, cardiac arrest, paralysis, vomiting, nausea and death

One of the first stories I heard in Herbalism School was about the misuse and abuse of this sacred plant from teenagers ingesting it to “get high”

It has also been abused by the feared Haitian Vodou sorcerers known as bokor, who use it to turn their victims into zombies

The intention behind magic and working with plants is what ultimately produces the result, whether harmful or helpful

Sacred Datura has offered me immense support along my own journey traversing the human experience

She is by far my most beloved plant ally and I honor and revere her greatly, bringing her offerings of water whenever I encounter her in the desert

She is quite literally carrying the fragmented aspects of our mental and emotional states as human beings

Working with her brings clarity, clairvoyance and a rebirth unlike any other

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