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Dissecting Language to Collapse the Death Culture

Dedicated to my brother Alan 1968-2016

When we reclaim our language, we break spells that bind us to the false fields

This can be through the current speaking language we use, cosmic languages (like light language) and the language of our bodies divine intelligence and clear knowing

During a time when the anti-life agenda aims to restructure our speaking language and our innate knowing of truth based in the sacred laws and logos, we are being asked to remember the truth within us

The throat is a heavily targeted energy portal within us and therefore there is much to reclaim around speaking up for yourself and for the injustices of this world

To collapse the death culture, we can utilize our light language to heal the grids in which we reside and to heal the fragmentation and trauma within ourselves and others

The labels we are given are meant to trap us like a caged bird who cannot spread its wings and fly free…this reminds me of the story my Mother told me of my brother's birth..

It was 1968 and he arrived so small in size, yet enormous in spirit

The western diagnosis he was given was Down syndrome & mental retardation

The definition given states:

“Mental Retardation refers to the lack of mental ability or the skills to perform day-to-day living. It is known as intellectual disability. It makes a person have below-average intelligence. Therefore, it indicates the lack of mental ability to adapt quickly to a situation or circumstances.”

“Down syndrome or Down's syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. [2] It is usually associated with physical growth delays, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic facial features.”

My Mother was told he would not live past two years old, to just leave him with the hospital and move on with her life

I recently met a woman who has a child with Down Syndrome, and she confirmed that this is still the same sick behavior. Except now they really push for you to abort the child during pregnancy while telling you how difficult and miserable your life will be raising a child with special needs

Given my current innerstanding of the death culture that has no regard for life of any kind, coupled with the convoluted distortions that the medical industrial complex carries, it makes total sense that this would be their proposal

These distortions are based in perpetuating human suffering, sacrificing innocent life in attempt to hold onto their false sense of power

From the symbolism of caduceus, to the grids in which the hospitals are built, to the lighting, the temperature, to the procedures, the pharmaceutical drugs, the schooling for doctors & nurses and a laundry list of other things, these places are never designed to support life

They are quite specifically designed to lead to our demise, to diminish our life force and to purposely allow and promote our physical departure from this Earth

These children that come into this existence are quite simply the most precious beings that could walk this Earth

Their “dis-ability” is an incredible gift and powerful mission to sign up for, as a soul who came to do some serious healing on this planet

When we breakdown the etymology of “disability”, it is filled with distortion:

“lack of”, “opposite of, do the opposite of" or “apart, away" + “state or condition of being able; capacity to do or act”

And then we look at the given definition of “intellect”:

  • the power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and to will : the capacity for knowledge

  • the capacity for rational or intelligent thought especially when highly developed

  • a person with great intellectual powers

What the Controllers of this realm fail to state, is that our intelligence is far beyond our mental capacity

Deeper intelligence and wisdom lies within our heartbrain, it is not something that can be grasped by our mental brain

It is not something to be learned from a book, rather experienced in our connection to others

The truth is, my brother was more impactful on this Earth than all of the zombies walking around who western medicine defines as “normal” or of “higher intellect”

His existence was filled with more sustenance than most beings have ever experienced

His level of intelligence was far greater than most beings on this Earth

He touched the hearts of everyone he encountered, because his heart was based in the true fields of his connection with God

His ability to exist without the worry that most humans carry around what others think of them, was by far one of his greatest strengths

Much of what this death culture promotes is dissociative behavior, leading to drug addiction, violence and destruction of all kinds, including the destruction of our Mother Earth

This is why empathy is such a crucial part of healing ourselves and healing the collective

When we cannot empathize with others, it drives disconnection

Denial runs high and one cannot perceive the energetic costs of great suffering

One loses sight of the sentience within all living things and then justifies reckless harm

To connect with our hearts and feel our emotions is a courageous act in this time as we close out the Dark Ages

The death culture promotes drugs passed as “medicine” through the medical industrial complex to numb and desensitize those who are highly gifted and are holding unique codes and true medicine for the collective

ADHD isn’t a brain dis-ease or disorder, it is a symptom of a dysregulated nervous system that stems from deeper unresolved trauma

Mental retardation doesn’t mean you lack intelligence, it means your intelligence is different than what this anti-life agenda coins as intellect

No one was born in the “wrong body”, rather there’s been mass mind control projected as a means of psychological warfare to infiltrate the most traumatized and vulnerable humans to reject their own bodies and essentially cause more trauma through unnecessary physical surgeries that fragment them further away from the truth of who they are

These people then become dependent on the medical industrial complex and their drugs to maintain the distortion of their physical vessel which is part of the Transhumanism agenda

Women don’t need a doctor or a hospital to give birth, we’ve been doing this organically for thousands of years

We carry wisdom deep within our bodies and in our hearts that will never be praised or supported by a world riddled with dis-ease of disconnection

The work that God has asked me to share, is to support others through remembering the innate wisdom within that stems from their empathetic nature, their purity and innocence

Remembering the language of the body and activating our Higher Sensory Perception is one of the most rebellious acts one can make at this time

How does your heart feel? How can you connect with the natural world? What does it feel like to lay naked on the soil and feel the heartbeat of our Mother?

When we face our own trauma and begin to reclaim the fragmented parts of ourselves, we begin to see the trauma of the collective

It is no longer a judgement on others as it may have been prior, rather our hearts deeply empathize with the collective because we innerstand that we have all been subjected to this mass mind control

Energetically, we are carrying the miasma of our ancestors, of all that has happened on this Earth

We want nothing more than peace on Earth, to live in abundance of all forms and for all life to be connected and held by the loving grace of God

Some will continue to choose de-evolution and some will feel the fire burn within their hearts to return balance to this planet

Ultimately, nothing can sustain itself if it is not rooted in connection with the Divine

We become aware that the more effort we put forth in our inner work, the more we can step into our role that God gifted us with

We can ultimately shift everything in this world regardless of those who choose to perpetuate the death culture

The most powerful thing we can do is return back to love and empathy, whilst the anti-life agenda promotes degradation of the soul with its robots

So go and sing your songs by the river, retrieve your ancient cosmic light language, give offerings to the elemental beings, grow food for your community, teach children that the true intelligence is in their ability to deeply feel and process their emotions, support those who are supporting the greater good of humanity and all will begin to restructure with the support of the untainted love within the depth of our souls

The language we use solidifies what we perceive in our reality

It locks us into spells that are casted to inhibit us from our full potential

What are you choosing today? What will you choose in every moment of your life? It is never too late to return back home and rewrite the stories of the past, present and future

With Love in My Heart & Deep Compassion for the Human Journey,


2 commentaires

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07 avr. 2023
Noté 5 étoiles sur 5.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. Glad you are helping promote the idea that we MUST begin to value the divine feminine skills of emotional intelligence, nurturing and intuition. We have unbalanced society only paying for, and valuing, cognitive intelligence, strength, focus. Glad youre back! I still drink your divine tea, and use your pinon resin. ♥️♥️


06 avr. 2023

Appreciating your voice Eagle 💓I feel like your writing has given me some truly powerful insights on "disability". The mental body, especially our language, is heavily targeted. When institutions speak of intelligence, they're really speaking about Artificial Intelligence. True intelligence is Living Wisdom; the quality of acute sentient awareness. AI is self-aggrandizing, an "intelligence" expressed through hollow and contrived accolades. Living Wisdom is a true gift. You won't find it seeking recognition, for its purpose is simply to touch the lives of all. That's why beings with pure souls radiate a force field of love and living innocence; you only need to be in their presence to feel it. Pure beings need no façade or false projection of authority, to…

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