Red Bottlebrush Flower Essence
anxiety, tension, muscle tension, dysregulated nervous system, trouble letting go, big life change, chaos, overwhelm, wounded relationship with Mother (this can be with biological Mother, Mother Earth, the Holy Mother), hijacking of innocence
balance, stability, calming, nerve tonic, soothing, nurturing, cope with confidence, taking on change with ease, supports healing relationship with Mother (all aspects), inner child healing so one can reclaim the core essence of the Holy Mother (innocence, creation, compassion, purity)
Read more about Red Bottlebrush Flower Essence
Activated and blessed mountain spring water
Choice of organic Calvados or organic apple cider vinegar
Energetic imprint of plant
4 drops 4 times per day, for 30 days or as needed for acute issues
May add directly to mouth, topically, in tea & water, into a bath, into rose water spray and on clothes & linens
Can be used with pets & children and alongside any other remedies
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Sardegna Italia